The Family YMCA

1450 Iris St. Los Alamos, NM 87544

Board of Directors

Contact Chris Daniels for more information.

Our Board of Directors is made up of dedicated community leaders who use their diverse talents to help define and forward the Y’s Strategic Plan. Each board member actively serves on committees that implement the plan. Our board firmly believes that the Y plays a vital role in shaping children, supporting families, and providing people of all ages and abilities in our community with programs that can help them realize their full potential. Board members take a leadership role in our annual fundraising campaign, through personal contribution and active campaign participation. Board members should be Y members, Y contributors, Y volunteers, or active program participants of the Y.

Here are thoughts on 2020 from 2018-2020 Board President Deb Huling.

2025 Board of Directors

Phil Taylor, CVO, President
Beth Dermer, VP
Daniel Alman, Treasurer
Chris SierkSecretary
Karen Easton, Past President
Debbie Huling, Past President
Elizabeth Bezzerides
Linda Daly
Yuri Findlay
Shay Kendricks
Carter Payne
Kim Scott
Cheryl Sowder
Tracie Stratton
Tara Voit
Kayti Ward

Emeritus Director:
Lou Santoro

Term: Three years

Meeting Attendance:
Monthly Board Meetings: Last Thursday of each month, 7:00 am – 8:15 am
Board Member Retreat: 1 per year, replaces regular meeting
Committees: Monthly/as needed
Special Events: As announced

Primary Duties:

  1. Attend regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors;
  2. Establish policies with respect to financial/administrative matters;
  3. Formulate, approve and annually review our Strategic Plan;
  4. Participate in our Annual Campaign which supports our financial aid program and Española Teen Center
  5. Make a personal gift to our Annual Campaign at a meaningful level;
  6. Make a sincere effort to attend all Y events and to encourage family and friends to attend;
  7. Represent the needs of members and program members that participate in the Y, and the needs of our communities in which we provide programs and services;
  8. Review and approve annual operating budget;
  9. Serve on at least one committee;
  10. Serve as an advocate and supporter of the Y and its mission.

Personal Attributes:

  1. High standing among the members of his/her business or profession;
  2. A respected citizen in the community;
  3. The willingness to state one's convictions -- and equally the willingness to accept the majority decision when in conflict with one's own stand;
  4. Relate openly and directly with staff and other board members or volunteers on all key issues;
  5. Acceptance of the mission of the Y.

Board Member Emeritus:

In order to be considered for designation as a board member emeritus, a person must be a former member of the board who has served the board with distinction; held an important leadership role and made or continues to make significant contributions; is engaged in major volunteer or advocacy activities in his/her service to the Y; participates in one or more Y activity (e.g., events, volunteerism, fund-raising, government relations, networking, etc.).

For more information, contact Chris Daniels, CEO of The Family YMCA, at 662-3100.