The Family YMCA

1450 Iris St. Los Alamos, NM 87544

Espanola Teen Center

Española Teen Center

The Española Teen Center is a safe and caring environment that promotes positive core values.
We provide programming that promotes self-discipline, builds self-esteem and teaches life skills essential to future success.

Latest Newsletter
Team Intergalactic's China Trip
Latest Calendar
Teen Center Executive Summary
2022 Teen Center Impact Report
2023 Teen Center Impact Report

Española Teen Center Major Supporters

Anchorum St. Vincent
Century Bank
City of Española
Clothes Helping Kids, Inc
Community Health Funders Alliance
Con Alma Health Foundation/NNMHGG
Del Norte LUV Foundation
Delle Foundation
El Parasol
Enterprise Bank and Trust
Lineberry Foundation
LANL-TRIAD Community Programs Office
Los Alamos Medical Center
Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation
Lou Santoro State Farm Insurance
Manuel Valdez State Farm Insurance

New Mexico Consortium
N3B Los Alamos
PMI- Performance Maintenance, Inc.
Presbyterian Española Hospital
Rio Arriba County
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Santa Fe County
Strategic Management Solutions, LLC
Tech Source, Inc.
United Way of NNM-LA


Additional support has been provided by Los Alamos Community Foundation, Avanyu, LLC, Rotary Club of Los Alamos, Kelly Myers, Northern New Mexico College Athletics, Andrea Suazo State Farm Insurance, Rio Grande SUN, Rio Arriba County Health Council, Faculty and Staff at Northern New Mexico College, Alicia Fine Jewelers, Española Public Schools, First Judicial District Attorney's Office, Zia Credit Union, Youth for Christ, Victory Faith Foursquare Church, Valley View United Methodist Church, and Phillip Haworth and Gayle Mills Fund.


We value youth and seek to fulfill a commitment to provide support, educational opportunities and recreation resources to the teens of Española and surrounding communities. The Y has a 60+ year history in northern New Mexico and expertise in meeting critical community needs, such as outreach to youth.

The Y exists to build the whole individual, including his or her character. Our mission is to build individual, family and community strength by focusing on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. We endeavor to do this by providing positive, self-esteem building programs and recreational opportunities. We stress the values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility in all programming and interactions.

The Y has several collaborating partners such as the City of Española, Rio Arriba County, and Santa Fe County to offer engaging, relevant, educational and skill building programs. Programs include tutoring, robotics, fun with food, sports and recreation, and a variety of others. Please click on the Latest Calendar link above for a daily list of programs and activities.

The Mission of the Española YMCA Teen Center is to strengthen the efficacy of community youth.

For Española Teen Center and other Y videos visit the Y's YouTube® channel.

Center Goals

  1. to host a sustainable, vibrant prevention and intervention outreach center;
  2. to support mastery of educational benchmarks through tutoring and educational programs;
  3. to mentor and assist the teen population toward higher education;
  4. to mentor and encourage compassion, caring, respect and responsibility in the teen population; and
  5. to foster healthy lifestyle choices.

Membership/ Usage

Teen Center membership is FREE, and available for teens ages 12 to 19.
Registration with parent and teen signatures is required.

Youth Board

Youth are encouraged to join the Y’s Youth Advisory Board that will provide guidance in program offerings.

Center Programs

The Center has:

  • Computer lab with PCs that feature a quiet/study area and tutors for students who need assistance
  • Social and recreation area with pool tables, table tennis, foosball, lounge/TV area; exercise equipment; air hockey;
  • Classroom/instruction area for workshops and classes including fun with food, robotics and intro to archery.
  • Outdoor recreation court, with the opportunity to play basketball, volleyball and tennis.

Center Address

808 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park Road
Española, NM 87532 - Map
Ph: 505.747.6569

Hours of Operation

12:00 P.M.-6:30 P.M.
Occasional extended hours, weekends or evenings, may be scheduled per special events requested by youth, or for specific programs.

Programming is aimed at developing a sense of purpose and hopefulness in participants in regard to their own skill and their ability to positively impact change. Programs include arts, educational and recreational offerings by staff and volunteers.