Registration for Y Camp 2025 will begin March 13, 2025!
Y Camp (Entering Grades K-6th)
Y Camp reinforces learning all summer long with fun, interactive reading, science and arts projects. Kids will explore a specialized theme each week during the summer. Y Camp includes lots of time for group games, sports and free play, too. Y Camp includes two healthy snacks per day and entry for field trips. Kids rotate with their age group through special activity stations. Cost varies on number of days enrolled. We offer financial assistance so all may have access to our program.
Location: Barranca Mesa Elementary
Dates: June 4th - July 25th
Time: Monday-Friday, 7:30am-5:45pm
Y Camp Registration Options and Rates*
Summer Session - $1459
Weekly - $200
Half Day Weekly - $115
Daily Drop In - $58
Y Member & Sibling Discounts Apply
*prices and dates are subject to change
Pre-Registration Google Form for Y CAMP 2025
The registration process has 2 steps:
1. Pre-register your child using the Google forms above. Your pre-registration will be automatically date/time stamped so that registrations can be processed in the order they are received. This process is the largely the same for new and returning children, except with returning children the information is used to verify/update emergency contact information and anything else that might have changed since the previous year.
2. After our staff have entered your child’s information from the Google Form into our computer system, you will receive an email inviting you to call or come in to the Y to:
You will have 7 days after receiving the email to complete the registration process.
If you are unable to, or do not wish to use the Google form you may come into the Y to complete a paper form and one of our staff can enter the information into the pre-registration Google form for you. This will then be processed in order as with those entered directly in the Google form.
End of Summer Camp - July 28th - August 8th
Pre-Registration Google Form for End of Summer Camp 2025
Hours: 7:30am-5:45pm
Location: Main Y Facility
Cost: $52/day/child
For kids entering K - 6th
*dates and prices are subject to change
Y Member & Sibling Discounts Apply
Financial Assistance Available.
If you have any questions, please email our Child Development Staff.
What will my child be doing while at camp?
Playing both inside and outside, experiential learning at five "stations". Stations include science/nature, art, drama, sports skills, and build it. They also have time for lunch (provided by you) and snacks (provided by the Y). Some days will feature fun field trips. We will have info and permission slips provided as needed.
What should I pack for my child? What should campers wear?
Pack: sunscreen, hat, water bottle, extra snacks if 2/day is too few.
PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHILD's NAME on all their items.
DO NOT wear: